Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Today is a new Day

Thank you Jesus that your mercies are new every morning.  Yesterday was terrible with all the junk that I ate.  Managing to stay on my sugar free diet, I still had cheesecake and cookies and cookies (all sugar free of course).  I felt terrible but just couldn't seem to help myself. 

But today is a new day!!!  I enjoyed my breakfast of king's kamut bread (Silver Hills) and it was still fresh and soft.  Add a little almond butter and honey and a banana and I was ready for my day.  All dressed and ready to go to the gym when Mike found bumps on Abbi - literally covering her whole back and tummy.  Great, no gym for me today.  I guess I will have to work out here at home.  Today is a new day; normally I would sit on my butt and play on the internet instead of working out if I didn't make it to the gym, but today is a new day.  I'm going to work out...and I'm gonna go do it right now.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you YouTube for posting free workout videos, thank you Bily Banks for making me sweat. Thank you Mme.Miller for taking my cheesecake out of my fridge. Today is a new day!
