Monday, February 14, 2011

They are listening

I was just sitting here and listening to the girls playing in the bathroom.  I hear Abbi saying 'I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry.  I'm so sorry for yelling at you.'  Sadie replies, 'That's OK. I forgive you.'  They are playing with dolls or toys together. 

I try not to yell at my kids, but seeing how I am not in heaven yet and so have not been made perfect, I do lose my temper every now and again. I have chosen to discipline myself to ALWAYS apologize to the kids...once I've calmed down.  I don't think my behaviour is acceptable because I sure wouldn't accept that behaviour from them and so I don't want to let myself off because I'm the mom.

Instead, at some point in the day, I get down on their level and let them know that sometimes mommies make mistakes and it was a mistake to raise my voice and yell.  They usually remind me of this fact as well!  And then I apologize.  It's just a small thing that I remind myself to do, to not just let it go...and they are listening.  They hear my apology, they receive it and they remember.  As they re-enacted their little scene, I didn't hear them yelling at each other just before, just heard the apology.  If that's what sticks, I am so thankful. 

It was a good reminder to hear them talking like that today.  You know, life is tough and we make mistakes but it's not the mistakes we should focus on but the way we respond to them. 

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