Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Chicken Pox and Lasagna

There seems to never be dull moment in the Fornwald Family House.  We woke up yesterday morning to finding spots all over Abbi's back and tummy.  Off to the doctor's office for an official check and, yes, it's Chicken Pox.  I know, I know, I'm behind on my immunizations.  She got a mild case of it last year so we thought we were in the clear.  Turns out you can get it again if your first case is mild so here we are.  Today was rough for her.  She was very teary all morning and itchy and uncomfortable, not to mention fevery. 

My mom came over to give me a break and took Sadie for a few hours.  I had hoped to get a good rest in with Abbi but she was too itchy to get a good sleep. 

Despite her day, I still managed to follow through on my fast and make my family and someone else's family dinner.  I kept thinking of the video from Francis Chan where he says, 'If you do something that you feel God is calling you to do, do you ever regret it?' The answer is always No.  If you are obedient, even if you don't see any fruit from it, it always feel right to do it.  I know I would regret breaking my fast just because Abbi is sick and I'm tired but I won't regret keeping it even if I don't get as much prayer time in as I had hoped. 

Our scripture memory verse this week is 'Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, I put my trust in you.  Show me the way that I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.'  Meg shared on Monday about focusing on the 'Show me the way that I should go' part.  In the midst of all the things we need to do in a day, God is there, and he can show us the way in which we are to do those things. 

And so, as I made dinner for my family, lasagna, I thought about that.  God, what should I do with this other lasagna?  Normally, I would freeze it, but it has wheat which means I couldn't enjoy it!  It would be nice to bless someone with it.  Immediately, I thought of my friend Naomi whose husband is away.  Called her and sure enough she didn't have a plan for dinner yet.  The Lord showed me the way to bless her.  So that was a cool moment for me today.  I knew that the lasagna was for her and it felt great to bless her and follow through with what I felt God prompting me to do.

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