Thursday, February 10, 2011

Never a Dull Moment

Didn't I just say this yesterday?  There really is never a dull moment with the Fornwalds.  Last night, just as I was sitting down with a cup of tea to pray and relax I got a phone call.  'Just want to say first of all that Mike is OK, but we're heading to the hospital in an ambulance because he hit his head on the ice pretty hard. But everything is OK.' 

Seriously?  My first reaction was calm but then I started to allow worry creep in.  As I was sitting there just getting ready to pray, I thought well, now is a perfect moment.  I prayed for Mike.  I knew that if God could take care of Mike through cancer, he would definitely take care of him through a concussion.  So I prayed and prepared to go off to the hospital to be with him. 

I guess I missed all the drama when he was totally out of it cracking jokes with the lifeguards on hand to help him, and the ambulance drivers.  I posted on facebook that he fell and for people to pray and then headed off to the hospital with my parents here to watch the kids. 

Once I realized he was going to be OK, we started joking and relaxing.  I checked the comments and we had a good laugh when I read that he was already on the prayer chain at the church - my how news travels fast!!

So he has to take a few days off work and rest his brain and his body.  This will be a difficult task for Mike but I know he's got to take it easy if he wants to get well quickly.  If you'd like to pray, pray for that.  Pray for grace for him to rest and relax and not to get going to soon. 

Yesterday we went around the table to say what we were thankful for and I was thankful for our overall health.....and I still am.  We do not have a debilitating disease, terminal illness, broken bones.  Mike has a concussion, but it could have been worse. I am still so thankful to God for his care and protection in our lives and to our family. 

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