Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Sunny Days

Don't you love sunny days?  The feeling like summer really IS coming.  Our BC weather has often tricked us - hot one day, cold and rainy the next.  But when the sun shines, we know that we need to take advantage of it.  That is what we did!

The most sunny day last week, I packed up the kids and met Dawna and her kids at Albert Dyck Park.  It was relatively quiet most of the day and the kids had a bawl playing in the sand and got along so well.  Here are some highlights!

Sadie, my strong girl is pulling the bike trailer full of stuff for the beach!

Playing in the sand, need I say more?  What kid doesn't like digging and making rivers of muddy, sandy water for hours at a time!?  And then there are the sand fights, which believe it or not, ended not in tears or screaming.  They mostly just had a great time with one another.

Sadie was the scooper and the boys graciously allowed her to run and throw sand at them for a really really long time!  Great day despite a burn on Abbi's shoulders!

Next was Jumping on the Tramp in the backyard.  We finally got our tramp up and going after a year and a half hiatus and so it is a whole new thrill all over again.

And on my next post I'll share about a great field trip with Caleb because even though he misses out on our daytime fun, he has some of his own.  Plus a hike to Cascade Falls.  Enjoy the sun while it shines!

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