Monday, April 11, 2011

Startin' 'em Young

My mother has joined a seniors group called SWAP - Seniors With A Purpose.  This wonderful group of women travel from seniors home to seniors home throughout the lower mainland bringing smiles and joy to the seniors who live there.  They have extravagant costumes and they dance, sing, and one lady plays the steel guitar.  They bank on the fact that they are 'amateur' so they never practice, just go out there and have fun.
The girls with the team

Recently gramma invited Sadie to join them.  Sadie was thrilled with the opportunity to dress up and dance with these ladies.  She was starting to ask constantly, 'When can I dance with the beautiful dancers again?'  She then convinced Abbi to join her too.  So they now are their special guests!  I recently went to their last 'performance' and grabbed some photos and videos of the girls and the ladies dancing.
Sadie and Abbi with the Polynesian version of my mom!
I was so happy that I went because it re-inforced in me the importance of giving back.  The girls are young, only 3 years old, and yet they are already learning how to give back.  Sure, it's fun to dress up and get out there and dance, but they also are learning how to say 'Hello' to the lonely and elderly people of our culture.  They are smiling and waving at them and filling their 'cups' with their youth.
50's style dancing

The girls have become the stars of the show and everyone's faces light up when they come around to say 'Hi' or to dance.  They are so sweet but much more, they are sharing the love of Jesus.  In such a small way, they are learning to give of themselves and bless others.  And in turn, they will be blessed, I know I was that day.

1 comment:

  1. Thats so cute. You are so right about starting that at a young age! What a great idea!
