Thursday, April 7, 2011

My Encourager

I love my husband.  I mean I know everyone loves their spouses but I really love him.  He is amazing; he is God's perfect match for me.  We definitely have that opposites attract thing going on in some areas of our lives but we also work so well together.

This year has been the first time we've started to do ministry together, really together.  We ran a bible school back in 2005 but we both had our own schools and responsibilities to do and had different students we were working with.  This time, it's different.

Mike and I have started a young adults group that meets every Sunday after church for 'Soup and the Spirit.'  It's been so great getting to know these young people and sharing in the discussions centered around our church services as well as the Spiritual Disciplines.  Mike and I have been able to work together with our strengths - mine being administrative and his being able to cast vision and reach out so well relationally to all the different kinds of people that walk through our doors.  Plus we both get to share with the group every week, which I think is a strength for both of us.  

Despite having our ups and downs, it's been so great to work side-by-side in this ministry.  It's been fun to bounce ideas off each other, read and prepare together, pray, and just work together.  And as always, he is my encourager.  

I didn't feel so qualified to speak about fasting last week but he said, 'Joce you fasted this week.' I said, 'I know but I didn't feel like I got too much spiritual insight out of it.' 'But you actually did it.  That's more than most of us did.'  

Then again....
This morning I rolled out of bed at 6:30am as I have been trying to habitually do to get a morning devotional time in.  My mind couldn't concentrate, I could hardly keep my eyes open.  I basically read the devotional and then rolled back into bed after getting the kids their breakfast.  I said to Mike, 'I don't think I was of much use this morning with Jesus.'  He replied, 'Did you get up?  Did you go spend time with Jesus?'  Ignoring my mumbling, he continued, 'That's awesome, Joce.  You got up, you were tired but you did it anyway, way to go.'  Even when I feel the crappiest, he is there to encourage me, especially in my walk with the Lord.  What a great man I get to live with.  When I feel like I am at my weakest, he reminds me that I don't have to be strong.  Thanks Jesus for my man.  He's my favourite, he's my friend, he's my encourager.  And thank you Jesus that you allow us to depend fully on you in order to change, grow and get to know you more.  I can do nothing without you.  You are my strength.  

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