Friday, April 15, 2011

A Link to the Past

Last weekend my parents, the kids and I made the trek to Kelowna for a 24 hour whirlwind to visit my Auntie Joyce.  Auntie Joyce is 88 years old and is the last living sibling on my grandmother's side.  There were 13 children and she was number 8.  I have recently been stirred to find more about my past especially after our Wiebe Family gathering not too long ago.

So, we made the trip out for the kids to meet her and to try and jog her memory about her parents, my great grandparents.

Of course, being the unprepared parent that I am, I completely forgot to bring in the kids' toys (and my dad left with the vehicle).  So spending hours in an apartment with no toys proved to be a bit difficult.  Overall the kids were great, just kids being kids... but kids being kids in an elderly woman's apartment isn't always easy : )  Caleb found this green skeleton which Auntie said he could have, so that kept them busy for awhile.  Anyhow, my mom took them out after lunch to the playground outside to burn off some energy and I got a half and hour to chat with Auntie Joyce about her past.  Caleb loved the rope swing!

It's always bittersweet seeing her as I remember my own grandmother.  She passed away while I was pregnant with Caleb and so there are times when I ache for her to meet my children.  She was such a special part of my life and when I look at Auntie Joyce, I can see some her mannerisms and it makes me miss my Baba.

But it was so wonderful to have some quality time asking questions about my great grandparents and hearing bits and pieces of their lives, their lifestyle, their family.  I hope to hear more soon.  She is the only link left to my past and it's so important to know where you came from.  It makes us who we are and shapes who we will become.

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