Friday, March 18, 2011

Time to Get Cleaning

So with the bouts of chicken pox, stomach flu, rubella, and now Mike with the stomach flu, things have been far from routine around here.  It's difficult once we settle into an unscheduled and unmovitated place to get back into the swing of things, don't you find?  I sure do. 

Despite knowing and wanting to get this house cleaned up, I mostly sit around the clutter and dirt and piled up dishes and cookies on the floor, yes, cookies on the floor, and am paralyzed at where to begin.  I decided to start with the kids room.  An hour later and a lot of battling to keep the kids focused, the two rooms are cleaned and dusted. 

I decided to settle on the computer for my fifteen minute break, which I am sure is already 25.  But then, I look around again at the papers on the floor, laundry yet to be put away, toys strewn about and lunch dishes still on the table and get stuck.  Where on earth will I go next?  The place seems like it needs to be endlessly cleaned. 

So what better way to get motivated than to blog about it?  If  I tell you, my friends, and the World Wide Web, that I am going to spend the next hour cleaning, maybe then I can finally get some things done.  I subscribe to Fly Lady Email and she has sent me some great ideas along the way.  One of which is to use a timer.  Caleb hates it but we definitely get things done quicker when we're in a race against time.

She says to set the timer for 15 minutes and start in the kitchen, then when the timer goes off, drop what you're doing and start another room.  Keep going until you've finished all your rooms take a 15 minute break every hour.  So, as my son is longing for the computer, I have decided that I will follow her advice and get cleaning. 

You can check in with me in an hour!  Maybe it's time you get cleaning too.  If you do, post what you get done in an hour!


  1. Fly Lady has some good points but there is no way I am wearing shoes in my house!! EVER.

    It is amazing what you can get done in small spurts!!

  2. I agree; I just don't get the shoes on thing.
