Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Reaching for the Light

We took the kids to Science World last week and we watched a BBC video on plants.  It was time lapsed so you could see the plants growing super-fast.  I found a clip of it that I posted for you to see.  What was so incredible to me was how the plants fought for the light.  They had to put all their energy into finding the sun or they would not grow.  But if they reached for the light, they would grow, get bigger, be full of life. 

It definitely got me thinking.  How often am I struggling to reach for the light?  I think a lot of the times I am one of the plants on the forest floor, settled in surviving, just surviving.  I get just enough light, just enough sun to keep me alive but not enough to grow, to change, to thrive.  God created these plants to reach for the light and he has created us to do the same.

I think often we think that we are doing OK.  He get through our days in our own strength, pursue our goals and dreams and feel like we have it 'together.'  But just like a plant, without water, without light, without food, we will surely die.  We just don't always realize it until we're on burn-out or find ourselves running after false light to give us the peace and strength we need. 

Ultimately we need to reach for the Light.  He is the only one who can cause us to live, to thrive.  Our flesh would rather sit on the forest floor or use up the little light we have to get through - but our Spirits are always reaching for the Light, struggling not only to survive but to thrive.  Rise up in me Spirit, and reach for the Light. 

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