Saturday, September 3, 2011

How to Marinate a Leg of Lamb

I haven't been blogging much these days because, honestly, I just haven't been inspired to.  But this morning as I was setting to work marinating our boneless leg of lamb for dinner tonight, the inspiration hit....Maybe not everyone knows how to marinate such lovely morsels of meat!  And so I present to you a 101 on marinating a lamb.

This is super easy and these ingredients can be used to marinate chunks of meat, a whole chicken, pork, potatoes, or tonight's deliciousness, lamb!  So if you're not into lamb, don't stop reading, just use the ingredient mix on whatever meat you so desire.

First off, I throw the lamb into a good ol' ziploc bag, you might need an extra large one if you are marinating one with the leg in it.  Or you might have one of those handy tupperware marinating thingamajiggys; those are great too, but I don't have one, so ziploc bags it is. 

Drizzle a good amount of extra virgin olive oil over the meat.  Sprinkle with salt and pepper throughout the bag.  Then throw in a few teaspoons of oregano.  Cut a lemon in half and squeeze the contents in, then throw in the rind as well for good measure.  Press 2 cloves of garlic, I am a garlic addict and so I used 4!  Then my favourite part...  Go into your garden and cut a nice long sprig of fresh rosemary (or 2).  You can cut it into pieces and place in the bag or just use one or two sprigs whole to do the trick. (dried rosemary is alright too but I find it quite sharp and not so tasty to eat.  You can buy fresh rosemary at most grocery stores)

Now if you have the organizational skills do this the night before your feast, you're ahead of me!  The morning of is just fine and as long as it sits for 4-6 hours, it should taste delicious.  The longer it marinates the better- of course.  Now, just set it in your fridge and flip over every couple of hours. 

If it's lamb your cooking, then simply bake at 400F for 20 minutes per pound.  Anything else, cook as usual and enjoy!

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