By Saturday I was happy to be well enough to attend the ladies Wiebe Family gathering. This is Mike's mom's side of the family. I was supposed to host but Auntie Phylis graciously filled in after hearing about my bout with the flu. I was so looking forward to the event. It was such a very special day filled with lots of tears and laughter and some really good memories.
First of all, Kristy was in town, Mike's sister, who is beautifully 7 months pregnant. We had planned the end of the gathering to be a surprise shower for her.
I couldn't really decorate the house for her part of the day so I made this sign instead. On the other side it said Connecting the Generations and we had her flip it before we went to have some food to surprise her! It was so fun to bless her with some essentials as she prepares for motherhood!

But now to the wonderfully tender and meaningful part of the day. Mike's Auntie Laura is a beautiful woman who has shown us all how to live life fully in the face of death. She has been living with cancer for over a year and is now in the final stages, though you would never know it. She looks beautiful and strong and healthy. She has made a memory book for her children about the history of the Wiebe family including stories and pictures. That afternoon she shared out of the book some those stories. It was a time of passing on to the next generation where we have come from as a family.
I had been praying about the day and if there was something significant that we could do together. I felt like the Lord gave me the scripture verse Ecc. 4:9-12 "Two are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm alone? A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken."
I bought three cords of different colours to symbolize the three generations - Mike's mom and their generation, our generation, and the generation to come. I asked Linda, my mother-in-law, Leah, my cousin and Kristy (to represent the generations in the belly and to come) to give the cords to Laura. I then asked Laura to tie the knot. She has definitely been the one holding us together. She has always made sure that we get together as a family. Then we passed the cords around the circle and everyone took a turn braiding it.

I know this blog is particularly personal so I hope that my Wiebe cousins and Auntie's are alright with my sharing so generously. Such tender moments can be taken and held tightly or can be held out for others to receive their treasures as well.
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